Forums / The hangaround / MERRY BITCHMAS

16:18:01 Dec 24th 10 - Clown White Fang:

Merry bitchmas everyone! hoe hoe hoe hoe! 

18:17:27 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

And celebrate it good as in a few months Jesus will die again :O!

18:52:26 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Inception:

Jesus only ever died once, and even then He rose again

18:59:25 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Then explain to my why each year on christmas people tell me that Jesus is born?? he can't be born if he allready is alive!

20:55:35 Dec 24th 10 - Clown White Fang:

zombie jesus day!

20:57:26 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Inception:

He isnt born each year, this is the month He supposedly born in. Its His birthday and we are celebrating it. Dont you celebrate your birthday each year?

22:49:08 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Antarctic Devil:


23:44:06 Dec 24th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

Merry Christmas VU peoples >.>

02:46:10 Dec 25th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

He isnt born each year, this is the month He supposedly born in. Its His birthday and we are celebrating it. Dont you celebrate your birthday each year?

Then people have to say that it is his birthday but they don't, like I said before, they say: "Hemel zij geprezen, Jezus is geboren"  (Heaven be praised Jesus has been born). And if that is true then he coudl't be alive before. Thats the point I am making.

Sources: Jehovah's whitnesses..

PS: I prefer Hell, all the nice, crazy, partying and hot women go there ^^ I love being an pagan =D

07:28:18 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Need Shower:

Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born again.' "[Jn 3:3 TNIV]

12:37:58 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Finwe:

haha fail christian trolls who think jesus was born in december Love yous :D

12:38:55 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Barny:

This is like debating which day the Easter Bunny was born.

15:51:20 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Inception:

The reason they dont is because satan is trying to undermine all that God has done. Jesus was born, so satan is trying to keep people from realising it by throwing out other things that distract people from the reason for the season. It has gotten so bad that its not celebrated as His birthday, but just as another gift-giving holiday

16:02:11 Dec 26th 10 - Sir Ajax:

the greatest trick the devil has ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist.

20:26:33 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

You mean doesn´t, or did he die?

21:21:23 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Inception:

Jesus died, but it was a long long time ago. Even then death could not hold Him, as He rose from the dead

21:21:26 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

the greatest trick the devil over played was that she managed to seduce me.. Though my greatest trick was to let her think she seduced me.. Whilst I seduced her offcourse. Don't let god know though, he will get pissed (He fell in love with her, she turned him down and he threw her out of heaven)

13:31:46 Dec 27th 10 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

*gets banned from hell for spamming*

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